Where is your spark and hustle?

So my guilty pleasure is television: even more, my DVR. I don’t have a lot of free time so I am not able to watch some of my favorite shows the minute they air – I have to wait until I actually schedule down time in my planner, or wait for those nights when I can’t sleep.

This weekend – I scheduled downtime. So I made it my quest to clear my DVR. Now –although that didn’t happen. I was able to catch up on some early March episodes of THE TALK, and this one episode really caught my attention – where is your spark and hustle?

Watch the clip below to see what I mean...

Then the hustle... to make a strenuous effort to obtain something through energetic activity. The hustle is simply your business – your passion. How are you going to get paid to do what you love?

To start my hustle – I went to social media sites and took advantage of free business promotions and began by providing value to my niche. Don’t underestimate the power of social media and all that it can do for you. Tory Johnson was able to make a living and uses social media as ways to gain business with her spark and hustle. Corporations, small business owners, network marketers, and many others are using social media platforms as ways of advertising, generating leads and making money for their businesses. You can too.

Most people that start in a home based business do not have a marketing background. The great news is, it is fairly easy to start marketing online and build your income at home very quickly. This concept I am going to introduce you to is one that has been seeing massive results in many industries for years, especially online. I used it and was able to replace my corporate income in 4 weeks. “LIKE” our fanpage and sign up to get your FREE 3 day video course. A step-by-step guide to generate income in your business using social media.